Sunday, April 29, 2018

Wolfking - Loyal To The Soil

Here lies a killer band that will completely ruin your neighbors day. They have the chops to 
make you want to crosscheck joggers on the most popular jogging path in the city!!
Wolfking incorporate elements of bands like Converge, and,Cursed. Toss in guitar structures 
that get choppy timing changes, and you will find a unique ,bitter addition to your collection of seething contempt.(your collection).   ahem.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

soiled utility

              whenever we post the, 'soiled utility',pic it means an enter at your own risk message or,
  the best of the bad. so heres the first post for the soiled utility releases...enjoy.

This is Atoll. The album is called Fallout Frenzy.
Now if you are used to reading the name of the band and listening to lyrics,
this little gem is not for you. There is a compressed heavy as hell base, THROBBING...blast beats that make you want to throw away the past Carcass albums that you thought were so peachy keen from the past .I personally bought a copy. Truthfully speaking this is the type of Slam that prisoners at Guantanamo bay will fear as an asset to their sleep deprivation program.


This is simply a blog to review new and old albums to hopefully enlighten hooked extreme music collectors get an idea about what they're getting themselves into example A, buying the Melvins LP 'The Colossus Of  Destiny',....and getting a nervous eye twitch after realizing the band has a sense of humor at $16.99 -$19.99  your expense.